Title: Horae, Use of Rome. Heures a l'usaige de Romme, Book of Hours Circa 1500-1510. With a Bonus Leaf from Cy commence la Destruction de Hierusalem
Author: Gilles Hardouyn
Publisher: Paris, Gilles Hardouyn
An early 16th century Book of Hours, being a rarer copy printed on paper, and from the workshop of Gilles Hardouyn. There appears to also be one additional leaf at the end, being a leaf from the four-leaf work Cy commence la Destruction de Hierusalem avec le jugement de Pylate, qui commenca ou temps de Neron empereur, quarante ans après la mort de nostre seigneur Jesuchrist. There are five woodcuts to the single leaf.
This book is printed in a 26-line format, in a gothic text, and is fully rubricated throughout in red and blue, with some larger initials being a combination of both colors.
This Hours is profusely illustrated throughout, with 14 near-full page and full page metalcut illustrations, along with 21 smaller in-text metalcuts, and hundreds of border metalcuts, with numerous figures, saints, creatures, and more.
From 1500-1550, the brothers Gilles and Germain Hardouyn produced hundreds of printed Books of Hours from their workshop in Paris. Gilles served as the printer, and Germain was the illustrator, being registered in the Guild of Illuminators, and later printing and publishing under his own sign. With such quality of works being produced from their workshop, these printed Books of Hours could often be mistaken as illuminated manuscripts.
Leaves A1 (the title) and B1 are lacking.
This volume has been rebound in a contemporary style, by Canadian bookbinder Keith Felton
One volume in octavo, 103 of 105 leaves, plus one additional leaf
This volume is in good shape, with some minor scuffing to the binding. Part of the leaf containing the Zodiac Man is lacking, with the gap carefully restored with period paper. The lower right corners of leaves H8, N3, and N5 are lacking, and carefully restored with period paper as well, though not obscuring text. The upper right corner of B5 is lacking as well, also restored. Several other leaves have old tears and older repairs. There is foxing and staining throughout.