Title: Hoc volumine haec continentur: Claudii Claudiani in Ruffinum lib. II: de bello Gildonico; epithalamium in nuptiis Honorii et Mariae; eiusdem panegyrici; in Eutropium lib.II; de bello Getico; epigrammata quaedam: de raptu Proserpinae lib. III: Omnia recognita, 1519
Author: Claudius Claudianus
Publisher: Florentiae, Haer. Ph. Iuntae
Condition: Very Good
An early 16th century first Florentini edition of Claudianus’ many poems, including Ruffinum lib. II: de bello Gildonico; epithalamium in nuptiis Honorii et Mariae; eiusdem panegyrici; in Eutropium lib. II; de bello Getico; epigrammata quaedam: de raptu Proserpinae lib. III: Omnia recognita.
Claudianus was a poet of the Roman Empire, writing a variety of political, historical, and mythological poems, most notably De raptu Proserpinae, which is included in this volume.
One vellum bound volume in octavo, 175+(1) leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and scuffing to the binding. There is worming and heavy staining to the first and last leaves. There is a small tear to leaf A1, and wormhole repairs to A1-B1, and x-y8. There is some foxing and staining throughout.