Title: Histoire Civile et Ecclesiastique du Comte d'Evreux: ou l'on voit tout ce qui s'est passé depuis la fondation de la monarchie, tant par rapport aux rois de France, qu'aux anciens ducs de Normandie, & aux rois d'Angleterre, 1722. Ciphers of the Collège du Plessis-Sorbonne
Author: Pierre Le Brasseur
Publisher: A Paris, Chez François Barois
Condition: Good
An early 18th century edition of Le Brasseur’s Civil and Ecclesiastical History of the County of Evreux: where we see everything that has happened since the foundation of the monarchy, both in relation to the kings of France, as well as to the former dukes of Normandy, & to the kings of England.
This volume has been bound with the ciphers of the Collège du Plessis-Sorbonne. First build in 1319, it was founded by Geoffroi du Plessis, secretary to King Philippe V, then later restored and enlarged in the 17th century by Cardinal Richelieu. It was joined to the Sorbonne in 1646 and then took the name of Plessis-Sorbonne. Both Anne Robert Jacques Turgot and Francois Fénelon were students there. It was heavily suppressed during the French Revolution after it served as a remand center at the height of the Reign of Terror. The buildings are now occupied for usage by the Lycée Louis-le-Grand, a high school first founded in the 16th century.
This copy has been enhanced with an added 18th century engraving of the Notre-Dame Cathedral opposite the title. This work has been bound without the three plates which are often lacking. There is also a bookplate for one Count Louis de Foucault.
One finely bound volume in quarto, (28 )+208+417+(14)+52 pages
This volume is in good shape, with heavy rubbing and wear to the binding, and the lower front hinge split. There is minor staining scattered throughout.