Title: Herodiani historici Graeci libri octo ab Angelo Politiano latinitate donati. Quibus accessit in singulos libros Epitome Jacobi Omphalii Andernaci: authoris vita: & de Romana historia quaedam scitu non indigna, 1539
Author: Herodianus; Jacobus Omphalius; Angelo Ambrogini Poliziano
Publisher: Parisiis, ex off. Simonis Colinaei
Condition: Good
An early 16th century of Herodianus Roman History, in Eight Books, followed by the Epitome by Omphalius. A minor Roman civil servant, Herodianus wrote his colourful history in Greek, from the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 A.D., to the beginning of Gordian III's reign in 238.
There is use of underlining throughout, with one manicule as well. The title has been engraved into the fore-edge as well.
One volume in 12mo, 102 leaves
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. There is foxing and damp staining throughout, with most of the staining to the margins.