Title: Geminata Laetitia In Corona Anni Exorta, Dum Die Ultima Decembris An, 1726. Brocade Binding
Author: Aloysius; Stanislaus
Publisher: Vetero-Pragae
Condition: Fair
An extremely scarce early 18th century edition of the twin joy of the year sprung up in the crown, while on the last day of December An. 1726. St. Aloysius and Stanislaus, Confessors of the Society of Jesus, should be aptly enrolled in the list of saints, together with miracles approved by the Apostolic See. A text on the Prague Clementinum on the canonization of Saints Aloisius von Gonzaga and Stanislaus Kostka by Pope Benedict XIII.
Worldcat records two existing copies of this edition in libraries.
This volume has been bound in bright and colorful brocade papers, with floral gold designs.
One brocade bound volume in 12mo, 80 pages
This volume is in fair shape, with some rubbing and cracking to the binding, and the front board split. There is some toning throughout.