Title: Fons Aquae Triplici Scaturigine Salientis In Vitam Aeternam: Das ist: Heilsames Wort Gottes, Mit Welchem ein Christ-Catholisches Volck in der Hochfürstlichen Residentz-Stadt Bamberg Durch Dreyjährige Sonn- und Feyertägliche Mit Sinnreicher Sitten-Lehr, Geschichten und Gedichten wohlgezierte Predigen zum ewigen Leben geleit und angefrischet worden, 1700
Author: Conrad Purselt
Publisher: Augsburg, Dillingen
Condition: Fair
An early 18th century edition of Purselt’s Fountain of the Triple Water Springing into Eternal Life: That Is: The Healing Word of God, with which a Christian-Catholic people in the High Princely Resident City of Bamberg through three-year Sundays and festival days with meaningful moral teachings, stories and poems well-adorned sermons to eternal life been escorted and refreshed. A collection of collections of sermons by the Jesuit and cathedral preacher Konrad Purselt.
Two vellum bound volumes in folio, (4)+294+(5)+(1)+244+(5)+(1)+10+(1)+11; (4)+318+(5)+(1)+264+(4) pages
These volumes are in fair shape, with heavy rubbing and wear to the bindings, the spines peeling and overall, the covers are quite dusty. There is foxing and staining throughout.