Title: Flores Casuum Conscientiae ex selectis et probatissimis doctoribus decerpti; ad omnium usum, maxime autem militiae ecclesiasticae adscriptorum et adscribendorum utilitatem et commoditatem, 1692
Author: Johann Luca Fenech
Publisher: Coloniae, apud Joannem Wilhelmum Friessem
Condition: Very Good
An uncommon late 17th century edition of Fenech’s Flowers of the Consciousness of the Cases, picked from the most selected and most approved doctors; for the use of all, but especially for the benefit and convenience of those enrolled and enrolled in the ecclesiastical militia. The fifth edition of the flower harvest for confessors compiled by the Italian theologian and lawyer.
The frontispiece is lacking.
Worldcat records 22 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One vellum bound volume in 24mo, (14 of 16)+565 (actually 575)+(9) pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and staining to the binding. There is some foxing throughout.