Title: Extraict de Plusieurs Sainctz Docteurs: propositions: dictz et sentences, contenant les graces fruictz, profitz, utilitez, louanges du tressainct et digne sacrement de lautel; Bound With; Horae, Use of Rome, 1584/Circa 1520. Sammelband including a Book of Hours
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Imprime a Paris, Chez Pierre Corbault demeura[n]t sur le pont nostre Dame au Daulphin; Thielmann Kerver, Yolande Bonhomme
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce late 16th century edition of Excerpt from Several Holy Doctors: proposals: dictations and sentences, containing the graces fruitful, profit, usefulness, praises of the blessed and worthy sacrament of the altar. Additionally, and unusually bound after is an early 16th century Book of Hours, bearing the woodcuts and structure found in the printed Books of Hours produced by Thielmann Kerver and later by Yolande Bonhomme. Both texts have been printed in a gothic font, the second work printed in red and black, with printed rubrication. Yolande was one of several significantly important woman printers in 16th century Paris, and a phenomenally successful one. She was also the first woman to also print an edition of the Bible in 1526. When fellow printer and husband Thielmann Kerver passed away in 1522, she assumed control of the printing shop. Just like Thielmann, Yolande also specialized in illustrated Books of Hours. An unusual sammelband of two works printed decades apart.
There are 19 small woodcuts throughout the first work. There are 27 near full-page woodcuts to the second work, and several smaller woodcuts.
USTC and Worldcat do not record any copies of the prior work’s edition in libraries.
As records are sparse on the 1584 edition, collation of the 1585 imprint indicates a collation of signatures A-L, and with the text abruptly ending at kii, it is evident that a number of leaves are lacking.
The Book of Hours appears to be lacking the initial leaves, without any title page, calendar, or Matins, jumping straight to Lauds, with a full-page woodcut of The Visitation. The lower margins have also been cut extremely poorly, almost completely removing all signatures from view. Both works are incomplete, though how incomplete is difficult to confirm.
This volume has been rebound in 19th century sheepskin, with embossed floral designs to the spine and part of the covers.
Two works bound into one volume in 12mo, 71, 222 leaves
This volume is in good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is foxing and staining throughout, with several small holes affecting several leaves of the first work, with several letters and part of a woodcut partially obscured. There are small tears to the margins of several pages.