Title: Epitome Orthographiae Aldi Manvtii Pavlli F. Aldi N: Ex Libris antiquis, Grammaticis, Etymologia, Graeca consuetudine, Nummis ueteribus, Tabulis aereis, Lapidibus; Reliqua VI.pagella indicabit, 1575
Author: Aldus Manutius
Publisher: Venetiis, Apud Aldum
Condition: Very Good
A late 16th century edition of Manutius’ Epitome of Orthography, from Ancient Books, encompassing Grammar, Etymology, Greek Custom, Ancient Coins, Brass Tablets, Stones.
There is a frontispiece with a woodcut portrait of Aldus Manutius himself, and a second frontispiece of an imperial eagle on a crown, as the crest of a shield is surrounded by acanthus leaves.
One vellum bound volume in octavo, (16)+268 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and old staining to the binding, and the top of the backstrip slightly defective. There is some scattered foxing throughout.