Title: Des wohlehrwürdigen Josephs Pergmayr, weyland Priesters aus der Gesellschaft Jesu, heilige Anmuthungen und Tugendsübungen, anmüthige Betrachtungen und geistliche Gemüthsversammlungen welche in und außer den gewöhnlichen Exercitien von geistlichen Personen, und andern ihres Heils und der Vollkommenheit beflissenen Seelen, ja auch von den Seelsorgern mit großem Nutzen gebraucht werden können, 1781
Author: Joseph Pergmayr, Ignaz Steur
Publisher: Augsburg, Wagner
Condition: Very Good
A late 18th century edition of Pergmayr’s Holy Graces and exercises of virtue, graceful reflections and spiritual gatherings of minds, which in and outside the usual exercises are carried out by spiritual persons and other souls who are anxious for their salvation and perfection, and also by pastors with great importance benefits can be used.
Worldcat records 5 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One volume in octavo, (20)+355+(10) pages
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. There is foxing throughout.