Title: Des Heiligen Kirchenvaters und römischen Pabstes Gregorius des Großen Homilien oder Auslegungen, und Erklärungen der meisten Evangelien auf die Sonntage, und Festtage des Kirchenjahres, 1810. Unidentified Armorial Binding for a Bishop
Author: Pope Gregory I
Publisher: Kempten, Joseph Kösel
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce early 19th century edition of Gregory the Great’s Homilies or interpretations of the Holy Church Father and Roman Pope, and explanations of most of the Gospels on the Sundays and feast days of the church year.
This volume bears an armorial design to the front cover, bearing two coats of arms, a bishop’s mitre, and a crowned serpent. The Latin motto Virtuti ac Diligentie, translated to “With Strength and Diligence”, is tooled to the rear.
Worldcat records 8 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in octavo, XXX+582+(1) pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. The binding is somewhat splayed. There is some scattered foxing throughout.