Title: Des Barmhertzigen Samariters Dritter Theil, In einen approbirten Haus-Artzt, oder compendiösen Hausapothecken vorgestellt, 1720(?). Bound in a Late 12th Century Biblical Manuscript, Containing Matthew 7-15
Author: Elias Beynon
Publisher: Nurnberg, Buggel und Seitz
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce early 18th century edition of Beynon’s Good Samaritan, being the Third Part, Presented to a licensed family doctor or compendium of home pharmacies. This is the third volume of three.
What makes this volume strikingly more unique, is that it has been bound in a late 12th century manuscript fragment from some type of Biblical manuscript, and containing Matthew 7-15, “Attendite a falsis prophetis, qui veniunt ad vos in vestimentis ovium, intrinsecus autem sunt lupi rapaces”. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves”. There are also several initials in red, including a large example, written in a Proto-Gothic script.
Worldcat does not record any copy of this edition with the same collation.
One manuscript bound volume in 12mo, 426+(14) pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and staining to the binding. The first and last leaves are stained and frayed. The text block is partially detached from the binding, holding on by two cords. There is some browning and staining throughout.