Title: Demosthenis Orationes Olynthiacae et Philippicae, Graece et Latine simul Editae com argumentis Libanij. In usum scholarum Societatis Iesu, 1618
Author: Demosthenis
Publisher: Ingolstadii, Ex Typographeo Ederiano
Condition: Good
An early 17th century Greek-Latin parallel edition of the Olynthian and Philippic Orations of Demosthenes, with the arguments of Libanius. For the use of the schools of the Society of Jesus.
This volume has been bound in blind stamped pigskin over wooden boards. There are tooled decorations to the center of the covers. There are roll stamped border icons.
One pigskin bound volume in 32mo, 383 pages
This volume is in good shape, with heavy warping and staining to the binding, and some cracking to the spine. There is foxing and staining throughout. The binding is splayed.