Title: Delle Antichita, e Guerre Giudaiche. Diviso in vintisette Libri. tradotto in italiano per M. Pietro Lauro Modonese; aggiuntovi di nuovo bellissime figure, e la sua Tavola per ordine a ciaschedun libro, 1740
Author: Josephus; M. Pietro Lauro Modonese
Publisher: In Venezia, per Domenico Lovisa
Condition: Good
A mid 18th century edition of the Works of Josephus, divided into seven books and translated into Italian by M. Pietro Lauro Modonese. This edition has been richly illustrated with rustic woodcuts and woodcut vignettes, with full-page examples depicting many prophets including Jacob, Samuel, David, Solomon, and Elijah.
The title page is lacking, as is the last page.
One vellum bound volume in quarto, 22 of 24+544+290 of 291 pages
This volume is in very shape, with minor rubbing and staining to the binding, and peeling to the head of the spine. The text block is loosening in several places, though holding. There is scattered foxing and toning throughout.