Title: Defensio Regia, Pro Carolo I. ad Serenissimum Magnae Britanniae Regem Carolvm II. Filium Natu Majorem, Heredem & Successorem legitimum; Bound With Pro Rege et Populo Anglicano Apologia: Contra Johannis Polypragmatici, (alias Miltoni Angli) defensionem destructivam, regis & populi anglicani, 1649/1651. Pro Monarchist Sammelband of Two Works Regarding Charles I
Author: Claude Saumaise; John Milton, John Rowland
Publisher: Sumptibus Regiis; Antverpiae, Apud H. Verdussen
Condition: Very Good
A sammelband of two works, containing a mid 17th century edition of Saumaise’s Royal Defence, for Charles I, to the Most Serene King of Great Britain Charles II. Son Born Major, Heir & Legal Successor. Additionally bound is a mid 17th century edition of Milton’s Apology for the English King and People. Two pro-monarchist works in defence of King Charles I.
Two works bound into one vellum volume in 32mo, 444, 154 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and staining to the binding. There is some toning and light, scattered foxing throughout.