Title: Cura Salutis, Sive De Statu Vitae Mature ac prudenter Deliberandi Methodus : Per decem Dierum Veneris Spiritus Sancti, Sanctissimae Dei Matris, Boni Consilii, SS. Ignatii & Xaverii Honori Instituendam solitam Devotionem Proposita, 1716
Author: Gábor Hevenesi
Publisher: Coloniae, apud Petrum Marteau
Condition: Good
An early 18th century edition of Hevenesi’s Care of Salvation, or the Method of Deliberating Early and Prudently About the State of Life.
One volume in 12mo, (1)+142-326 pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, with some leather lacking to the spine and part of the front cover.