Title: Corpus juris civilis in IIII partes distinctum: quarum prima, institutionum libri IIII digestorum seu pandectarum libri L continentur. Quae reliquis partibus includantur, aversa docebit pagina; Bound With; Feudorum consuetudines, 1583
Author: Justinian; Denis Godefroy
Publisher: [Genève], excudebat Jacob Stoer in officina Barthélemy Honorat (Lyon)
Condition: Good
A late 16th century edition of the complete Corpus Juris Civilis in four parts, otherwise known as the Code of Justinian. It is a collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence, issued from 529 to 534 by order of Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor. Consisting of three main parts, the Code was meant to be the sole source of law in the Byzantine Emperor, making reference to any other sources forbidden, although Justinian later found himself enacting more laws, culminating in a fourth part of the Code. Additionally bound is Feudorum consuetudines, both works being edited by Denis Godefroy.
The titles are within a beautiful historiated border, though the lower right corner has been cut away, just touching the border. There is also a folding table.
This massive volume has been bound in vellum, with large yapp edges.
Two works bound into one tremendous vellum volume in folio, (28)+1918, (20)+964, (22)+553, (8)+64+(62)+1919-2061+(2) pages, though pages not in parentheses are counted twice on each side.
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and staining to the binding, and splitting to the lower hinge of the front board. Page 553 of the third page is torn. There are several small repairs. There is some minor damp staining and soiling throughout.