Title: Corpus iuris Civilis, Containing Digestum Vetus, Institutiones Emendatae, Authentica Novellarum Volumen Eruditis, and Additional Texts, 1549. 3 of 6 Volumes. Bound in 14th Century Manuscript Fragments of the Decretals of Boniface VIII, with a surviving Miniature
Author: Justinian; Accursio
Publisher: Lyons, Thomas Bertheau for Jacques & Jean Senneton
Condition: Poor
A mid 16th century edition of the Corpus Juris Civilis, otherwise known as the Code of Justinian. It is a collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence, issued from 529 to 534 by order of Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor. Consisting of three main parts, the Code was meant to be the sole source of law in the Byzantine Emperor, making reference to any other sources forbidden, although Justinian later found himself enacting more laws, culminating in a fourth part of the Code. There is also a glossary of the medieval legal scholar Accursius, and a biography on Justinian.
Being only three of six volumes, these tomes contain the Digestum Vetus, the Institutes, the Novellas, the last three books of the Codex, and the Liber Feudorum. This edition of the Digest is accompanied with the commentary of known glossator and jurist Accursio.
The text is printed throughout in red and black. There are two full page woodcuts, displaying the Arbor Civilis (a tree-like table designed to show a family’s genealogy), and the Arbor Servitutum, or tree of servitudes. There are several half page woodcuts as well, some smaller in-text woodcuts, and numerous woodcut initials throughout.
These volumes have been bound in medieval binder’s waste, the fragments dating from the 14th century. Whether intended or not, the fragments have been identified as being part of the Decretals of Pope Boniface VIII, one line of text reading "Incipit liber tercius decretalium domini Bonifacii VIII". The tome containing the Institutes of Justinian also bears a surviving miniature measuring 5 x 4 cm, depicting what is probably Pope Boniface himself, and another figure, though it is heavily worn, like parts of the bindings are.
Three books bound into two vellum volumes in large folio (42 x 30cm), (71 pages)+1838 columns, (32 pages)+478 columns+54 columns, (16 pages)+447+288+160 columns+(8 pages)+74 columns+(2 pages)
These volumes are in poor shape, with heavy rubbing and wear to both bindings, with damage and peeling particularly to the volume containing the Digestum, the front hinges split and the spine peeling. There are quite a few repairs and restorations throughout, with foxing, worming, and staining throughout.