Title: Conciones et Orationes ex Historicis Latinis Excerptae; argumenta singulis praefixa sunt, quae causam cujusque & summam ex rei gestae occasione explicant, 1652
Author: Titus Livius; Tacitus; Quintus Curtius Rufus; Salluste
Publisher: Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium
Condition: Good
A mid 17th century Elzevir edition of Sermons and Orations extracted from historical Latin, including works by Titus Livius, Tacitus, Salluste, and others, each work prefixed with an argument.
There is an exlibris stamp for Cornwell House to the front endpaper.
One volume in 32mo, (12)+420+(12) pages
This volume is in good shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding, with some splitting to the front lower hinge, and peeling to the head and foot of the spine. There is some foxing and staining throughout.