Title: Commentarius in Hesiodi Ascraei Erga kai hemeras. Magno studio et labore collectus & in usum studiosae iuventutis, 1580
Author: Hesiodus; Stephan Reich
Publisher: Lipsiae, Imprimebat Georgius Defnerus, Anno
Condition: Very Good
A late 16th century first edition of Hesiod’s didactic poem, “Works and Days”, being extensively annotated with the commentaries of Protestant theologian and classical philologist Stephan Riccius.
This volume has been bound in blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with intricate designs and roll stamped border icons. There are several figures to the centers of the front and rear cover.
The title page is missing, but there is a colophon present.
This volume bears the stamp of the dissolved monastery library Franziskaner Kloster Dettelbach.
One pigskin bound volume in octavo, 397 of 398 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is toning to the pages, with light, scattered foxing.