Title: Christkatholische Haus-Mission ein Gebeth- und Betrachtungsbuch für Alle, welche sich der ewigen Glückseligkeit theilhaftig machen wollen, 1824. With a Lovely Metal Clasp
Author: Alexander
Publisher: Wien, Im Verlage des Joseph Riedl, bürgerl. Buchbinders
Condition: Very Good
An early 19th century edition of von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst’s Christian Catholic Home Mission, a prayer and meditation book for all who want to partake of eternal bliss.
There is a beautiful, metal glasp, with flowering designs.
One finely bound volume in octavo, XVI+316 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is minor foxing throughout.