Title: Cabinet Des Singularitez D'Architecture, Peinture, Sculpture Et Graveure: Ou Introduction A La Connoissance des plus Beaux Arts, figures sous les Tableaux, les Statues & les Estampes, 1702
Author: Lambert Marchant
Publisher: A Brusselles, chez Lambert Marchant
Condition: Good
An early 18th century edition of Marchant’s Cabinet Of Singularities Of Architecture, Painting, Sculpture And Engraving: Or Introduction To The Knowledge Of The Most Beautiful Arts, Figured Under Paintings, Statues & Prints. There is an engraving frontispiece and a folding plate. This is the first volume of three.
One finely bound volume in 12mo, (22)+XXXXIII+354+(6) pages
On note of condition, this volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and cracking to the spine. There’s minor foxing and staining throughout.