Title: Brevet Awarded by Louis XIV, to Sieur de Gramont, for services on the gendarmes of Flanders. Manuscript on Parchment, with secretarial signature of Louis XIV, June 2 1709
Condition: Very Good
An early 18th century manuscript on parchment, being a brevet, or promotion, awarded to Sieur de Gramont, for services on the gendarmes of Flanders. This manuscript bears the secretarial signature of King Louis XIV, also known as the “Sun King”.
From the age of 5 until his death in 1715, his reign has been the longest recorded of any monarch of a sovereign country in history, emblematic of the age of absolutism in Europe.
Many of his achievements, influential and architectural, have lasted well into the Early Modern Era, to the Industrial Revolution, and lastly up to today, including the creation of the Palace of Versailles, the founding of the French Academy of Sciences, and much more.
One manuscript on parchment, 15.9 x 33.5 cm
This manuscript is in very good shape, with old fold marks, some creasing, and minor staining.