Title: Book of Hours. Officium beatae Marie Virginis, 1545. Later Binding
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Venezia, in Officina Francesco Marcolini
Condition: Fair
A scarce mid 16th century Book of Hours, from the workshop of Francesco Marcolini.
This Book of Hours is printed in a red and black Gothic script, in a 22-line font, profusely illustrated throughout with border woodcuts and full-page woodcuts. There are 21 of 22 full-page woodcuts, and decorated woodcut initials. There are woodcut figures and woodcut decorations in the margins of any page which does not include a full-page woodcut. The detail to these woodcuts is reminiscent of Marcolini’s work in the 1544 Dante with Vellutello’s commentary.
The woodcuts are as followed: The Crucifixion; f. a ii v, The Annunciation; f. b viii r, The Visitation; f. 14 v, The Nativity; f. 23 v The Annunciation to the Shepherds; f. 27 v, The Presentation in the Temple; f. 31 v, The Adoration of the Magi; f. 35 v, The Flight into Egypt; f. 39 v, The Massacre of the Innocents; f. 45 v, The Annunciation; f. 50 v, The Visitation; f. 64 v, The Nativity; f. 72 v, The Annunciation to the Shepherds; f. 76 v, The Adoration of the Magi; f. 80 v, The Presentation in the Temple; f. 84 v, The Flight into Egypt; f. 88 v, The Massacre of the Innocents; f. 94 v, The Annunciation; f. 100 v, Unidentifiable Woodcut; f. 104 v, The Dormition; f. 118 v, The Crucifixion; f. 147 v, Pentecost; f. 151 v.
All four leaves before the March calendar are lacking, including the title page, and the last 24 leaves at the end.
USTC records 10 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One volume in octavo, (20 of 24)+160 of 184 leaves
This volume is in fair shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and chipping ot the head of the spine. The textbook is nearly detached from the binding, holding by a single thread. Quire b is partially detached. There are wormholes to the margins of the central leaves of the volume with a few marginal tears crudely restored and staining to a few leaves (especially the last leaf), though several leaves appear to have been purposefully stained and defaced, with an early hand crossing out sections in an attempt to expurgate them. Several preliminary leaves are misbound.