Title: Biblia Latina (cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guillelmi Britonis in omnes prologos S. Hieronymi et additionibus Pauli Burgensis replicisque Matthiae Doering). Nicolaus de Lyra: Contra perfidiam Judaeorum, 1497. Volumes I, II, IV of IV. Profusely Rubricated and Annotated Latin Bible, In Contemporary Blind Stamped Pigskin Bindings
Author: Nicolas de Lyra
Publisher: Nurnberg, Anton Koberger
Condition: Good
A late 15th century edition of the 1497 Koberger Bible, being a reprint of the 1493 imprint. These are the first, second, and fourth of four volumes, containing the important commentaries of Nicholas de Lyra.
These volumes contain most of the Books of the Bible, save for Isaiah to the end of the Old Testament, which would be contained in volume III.
These volumes have been beautifully rubricated throughout in red and blue, with extravagant flourishes, and initial highlights to the smaller capitals. There are also a few scattered annotations.
There is a total of 28 of 39 woodcuts, four of which are full-page. The woodcuts show Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the Great Candlestick, the Tablets of the Law, the Temple of Solomon, the High Priest, various plans and floor plans, and some astronomical diagrams.
These volumes have been bound in contemporary blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards, with floral roller stamps and metal clasps.
The final blank to volume IV is lacking.
Three pigskin bound volumes in folio, CCCCXXIIII; CCCXXXVIII; CCLI leaves
These volumes are in good shape, with rubbing and wear to the bindings, and some worming and leather loss at the corners. One clasp to the first volume is defective. All three volumes have heavier worming to the first and last handfuls of pages. There is some browning and staining throughout, heavier to volume II.