Title: Al santissimo, et beatissimo papa Sisto V. della precedenza tra la podestà ecclesiastica et la secolare. Libri III, 1586
Author: Giovanni Battista Pacciani
Publisher: In Bologna, Appresso Fausto Bonardo
Condition: Fair
An extremely scarce late 16th century edition of Pacciani’s dedicated work to the most holy and most blessed Pope Sixtus V, analyzing the precedence between the ecclesiastical and secular podesta. A podesta was the name given to those holding the highest civil office in the government of the cities of Central and Northern Italy, as well as the chief magistrates of a city state.
Worldcat records 3 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One vellum bound volume in octavo, (6)+78+(3) leaves
On note of condition, this volume is in fair shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding, and peeling to the spine and rear board. Most of the text block is coming loose in multiple gatherings, and all holding on by one cord. There is some foxing and minor staining throughout, and some corner portions lacking, though not affecting text.