Title: Aesopi Phrigis, et Aliorum Fabulae. Quorum nomina sequens pagella indicabit. Elegantissimis iconibus in gratiam studiosae iuuentutis illustratae, 1686
Author: Aesop
Publisher: Venetiis, Apud Prodoctos
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce late 17th century edition of the Fables of Aesop, and other fables. Preceding the fables is a biography of Aesop. This copy is profusely illustrated throughout with 93 charming oval woodcuts.
There are several owner inscriptions from the late 17th century.
Worldcat records no copies of this edition in libraries.
One vellum bound volume in 32mo, 286+(11) pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and part of the spine peeling away. There is some toning to the pages through.