Title: Thêsauros tês hellênikês glôssês. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, Appendix libellorum ad Thesaurum graecae linguae pertinentium, 1572. Potentially Toxic Binding Using 15th Century Medieval Waste Fragments. Volumes 1-2, 5 of 5
Author: Henri Estienne
Publisher: Genève, Henri II Estienne
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce late 16th century edition of Henri Estienne’s Thesaurus of the Greek Language, with an appendix of pamphlets pertaining to the Thesaurus of the Greek Language. These are volumes 1-2, and 5.
These volumes have been bound in three-quarter blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with roll stamped designs. The portions not bound in pigskin have been painted green to the front and rear boards. Early green pigments found on similar bindings at the University Library of Southern Denmark and the Smithsonian Libraries have been found to be colored with a combination of indigo and orpiment, a yellow pigment derived from naturally occurring arsenic sulfide toxic. Care should be taken when handling these volumes, either using nitrile gloves, or vigorously washing one’s hands after handling.
Additionally, the portions painted green appear to be manuscript waste fragments of the 15th century, as the text, while largely washed and painted over, is still legible in places.
Three books bound into two pigskin volumes, 20+XX pages+XXIIII+1946 columns, XI+1699 columns; 1646+211 columns
These volumes are in very good shape, with some rubbing and minor soiling to the binding and title page. There is scattered spotting throughout.