Title: Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni, cognomento theologi, Opera. Jac. Billius Prunaeus, S. Michaelis in eremo Coenobiarcha, cum mnss. Regijs contulit, emendauit, interpretatus est, una cum doctissimis Graecorum Nicetae Serronij, Pselli, Nonij, & Eliae Cretensis commentarijs. Aucta est haec editio aliquammultis eiusdem Gregorij Epistolis nunquam antea editis, ex interpretatione Fed. Morelli professoris & interpretis regij, 1612
Author: Gregory, Nicetas, Elijah Del-Medigo, Michael Psellus, Nonnus, Jacques de Billy, Claude Morel, Fédéric Morel
Publisher: Lutetiae Parisiorum, Apud Claudium Morellum
Condition: Good
An early 17th century edition of the Works of St. Gregory Nazianzen, nicknamed the Theologian. It bears the commentaries of the most learned Greeks, Niceta Serronius, Pselli, Nonius, and Elias of Crete. This edition has been augmented by several Epistles of the same Gregory not published prior.
One finely bound volume in folio, (14)+437+(42)+(162)+(7) pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, with some leather lacking to the boards and spine. There is minor foxing and scattered staining throughout.