Title: Sermones Discipuli de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum et miraculis Beatae Mariae Virginis, 1481. Profusely Rubricated, and with Contemporary Leather Boards
Author: Johannes Herolt
Publisher: Cologne, Johannes Koelhoff de Lubeck
Condition: Very Good
A scarce late 15th century of Herolt’s collection of Sermons of the Disciples on the saints with a store of examples and miracles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This work is broken down into three parts, being Sermones de sanctis, Promptuarium exemplorum, and Promptuarium de miraculis.
Also known as Discipulus, herold was a Dominican preacher, who was lector and prior of the Dominican monastery in Nuremberg. His sermons are filled with accounts of the lives of the Virgin Mary and the saints.
This volume has been heavily and profusely rubricated in red throughout, with large, ornate initials, and initial strokes in red as well. All of the titles to the top of each page bears additional arabesque decorations in red as well. One blank leaf has been profusely inscribed by a contemporary hand.
This volume has been beautifully bound in a contemporary blind stamped calf over wooden boards, with rebacking to the spine.
ISTC records 14 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
Leaf a1 is lacking.
Three parts bound into one volume in small folio, 277 of 278 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, heavier to the bands on the spine. There is minor worming to the upper margins of the first few leaves, and worming to the lower margins of the last few leaves, neither obscuring or affecting text. There is scattered, soiling and staining throughout.