Title: Ordo Missae, 1923. Sumptuously Bound and Beautiful Modern Illuminated Manuscript on Vellum, with Two Full Page Miniatures, and Three Smaller Miniatures
Author: Commissioned for Pornillac
Condition: Very Good
An early 20th century illuminated manuscript, entitled Ordo Missae, produced on vellum, by an unknown illuminator. The manuscript was commissioned by one Pornillac.
Contained within are various psalms and prayers, as well as specific prayers for before and after communion.
Each page has been richly handwritten and illuminated with large, illuminated initials, golden letters, and ornate initials in general, written in a 25-line format. Every single leaf is further enhanced with an illuminated and painted border, all in the style of Medieval Books of Hours.
There are also two magnificent full-page miniatures of stunning quality, the first displaying the rite of Communion, and the second displaying the Crucifixion. There are also three smaller miniatures, one displaying a knight in battle, another displaying a saintly figure to be executed, and a third displaying the Virgin Mary and Infant Jesus.
Some of these borders have vivid flowering designs that extend into the text and are further enhanced with shading.
This manuscript has been beautifully bounds in full leather, with ornate tooling to emulate early Renaissance and Medieval bindings.
One illuminated manuscript in small quarto, 14 thick vellum leaves
This manuscript is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding, heavier to the hinges. There is very little soiling throuhgout, namely affecting the margins.