Title: Hore Beate Marie Virginis Secundum usum Parisiensem, 1528. Extremely Scarce Book of Hours Printed on Vellum, With 11 Miniatures. Recorded as a Lost Edition on USTC
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Paris, per Germain Hardouyn
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce early 16th century illuminated Book of Hours printed on vellum, from the workshop of Germain Hardouyn. This Hours is illustrated throughout, with 11 large metalcut illustrations.
This Book of Hours is printed in a 23-line format, with hundreds of illuminated 1 and 2-line initials against a red or blue background. There are several larger initials as well.
From 1510-1550, the brothers Gilles and Germain Hardouyn produced hundreds of printed Books of Hours from their workshop in Paris. Gilles served as the printer, and Germain was the illustrator, being registered in the Guild of Illuminators, and later printing and publishing under his own sign. With such quality of works being produced from their workshop, these printed Books of Hours could often be mistaken as illuminated manuscripts.
The volume has been rebound in early 19th century calf by R.P. Thouvenin.
USTC records this copy as a lost edition, with no copies in libraries.
6 leaves from quires A, one from B, and leaf H2, are lacking.
One volume in 32mo, 104 of 112 leaves
This volume is in good shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding, and one of the old inner cords to the foot of the spine detached. There is a small tear to the lower margin of the last leaf, and another tear to a leaf with minor letter loss. There is scattered staining throughout, heavier to quires A, B, and O.