Title: [De Institutione Oratoria], August 1514
Author: Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
Publisher: Venice, Aldus Manutius
Condition: Very Good
The first Aldine edition of Quintilian's De Institutione Oratoria, on the teaching of speaking and writing. This is also the only edition printed by Aldus Manutius himself.
Quintilian spent the latter years of his life in retirement writing this work, covering the theory and practice of rhetoric, as well as the foundational education and development of the orator himself. De Institutione Oratoria can be considered a treatise on education, or a manual of rhetoric, a handbook on moral duties of the orator.
This volume has been finely rebound in green morocco, with gilt tooling to the covers, and the title, date, and printer tooled to the front. The fore-edges are gauffered.
One finely bound volume in octavo, (4)+230 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minimal rubbing or wear to the binding. There is a damp stain to the front imprint and contents page, and very little foxing or staining elsewhere. There is a very small wormhole affecting the title page.