Title: 's Werelts begin, midden, einde, besloten in den trouwring, met den proefsteen van den selven, 1771(?)
Author: Jacob Cats
Publisher: Te Dordrecht, gedruckt by Adriaan Walpot
Condition: Fair
A late 18th century edition of Jacob Cat’s emblematic work, 's Werelts begin, known as World's Beginning, Middle, End, concluded in the Wedding Ting, with the test-stone of the Self. There are 50 woodcuts through, all in a rustic design, two detailed woodcut titles, and two woodcut portraits.
There are 49 of 50 woodcuts through, all in a rustic design, two detailed woodcut titles, and two woodcut portraits. One preliminary leaf is lacking, as are pages 3-4, 91-94, and 323-324.
17th century Dutch poet, jurist, and even politician for a period, Jacob Cats is now most well known for his emblematic poetical and moralistic books, with numerous editions published from the 17th to 19th century. Many of the sources’ Cats draws inspiration from include the Bible, various classics and authors such as Boccaccio and Cervantes.
One vellum bound volume in 12mo, (40 of 42)+671 of 673+(1) pages
This volume is in fair shape, with rubbing, wear, and peeling to the binding. A corner of the first preliminary leaf is lacking. There is staining scattered throughout.