Title: Our Mutual Friend, 1865. First Edition. First Issue
Author: Charles Dickens; Marcus Stone
Publisher: London, Chapman and Hall
Condition: Good
A first edition, first issue of Dickens’ Our Mutual Friend, with both volumes bound in one. This copy bears the spelling error ‘Pricipal’ where ‘Principal’ should be, 14 lines up from the bottom, page 115 of Volume 2. The frequently absent three-line slip tipped-in before page 1 of Volume 1 is present as well.
This copy has been bound from the original parts as well, as one of the original covers has been bound in, and the stab holes are easily recognized.
There are 40 full page engraved plates by Stone.
Two volumes finely bound volume into one book in octavo, XI+320, XII+309 pages
This volume is in good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, heavier to the spine, with the title label peeling away, and damage to the headcap. There is some foxing throughout, heavier to the plates.