Title: Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis: nuper reformatum et Pii V. Pont. Max. iussu editum, cui accessit Kalendarium Gregorianum perpetuum, 1597
Author: Catholic Church
Publisher: Parisiis, Apud Sebastianum Niuellium, Michaëlem Sonnium, Guilelmum Chaudiere, Gulielmum de la Nouë, Claudium Chapelet, via Iacobaea. Ioannem Gorbon, sub signo Cordis boni, in monte D. Hilarij. Et Ioann. Mettayer & P. L'huillier, Typographos & Bibliopolas Regios
Condition: Very Good
An extremely scarce late 16th century edition of a Book of Hours, newly reformed and according to Pope Pius V, with a Gregorian Calendar.
This work is beautifully illustrated throughout, with a woodcut portrait of the Virgin Mary to the title page, 12 engraved woodcut vignettes to the calendar, 21 large woodcut engravings, and woodcut initials throughout.
This volume has been finely bound in morroco leather, with gilt tooling to the boards and spine.
Worldcat records one existing copy of this edition in libraries.
One finely bound volume in octavo, (20)+232+(78)+(2) leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is minor worming to the last few leaves, and very light damp staining to the first handful of leaves. There is minor, scattered, staining throughout.