Title: Enkhuizer Almanak. A Collection of 81 Dutch Almanacs from the Years 1814 to 1946. Some with Personal Markings, or Limp Vellum Long-Stiched Wallet Bindings
Publisher: Various
Condition: Very Good-Poor
A massive collection of 81 Dutch pocket almanacs from the early 19th to mid 20th century, for the city of Enkhuizer, being a yearly publication produced in the Netherlands supposedly first published in 1595. The almanacs contain information standard to most almanacs, including a comprehensive calendar for holidays and markets, astronimical data, weather forcasts, and more. Additionally, there are folktales, random tidbits, and other pieces of folklore added in.
Many of the 19th century almanacs are charmingly illustrated, with woodcuts for the calendar, and additional woodcuts throughout. Most of the 20th century editions are considerably less illustrated, or not illustrated at all.
The almanacs date from the following years: 1814; 1821; 1825; 1827-29; 1831; 1834-38; 1840-41; 1843-45; 1847-49; 1850; 1853; 1855; 1857-59; 1861; 1865-66; 1869; 1870; 1872; 1874-76; 1878-79; 1880-85; 1887; 1889; 1890-95; 1900-03; 1905-06; 1945-46.
Roughly 40 almanacs have been bound in limp and long-stitched vellum wallet bindings, the vellum flapped for further protection, on top of being a decorative feature. Some of the vellum has warped, but they have largely accomplished the task of preserving the almanacs. The rest appear to be in their original publisher bindings, though a few have been rebound in cardboard wallet bindings.
Of those 40, 10 have been painted in green dyes, likely containing arsenic, as has been noted in other Dutch almanacs similarly painted. Care should be taken when handling these particular volumes, either using nitrile gloves, or vigorously washing one’s hands after handling.
Barring one example in 12mo, the remaining 80 almanacs are in 32mo format, the vast majority measuring 4 inches or slightly smaller.
Roughly 81 almanacs in various bindings, uncollated
These almanacs are in varying states of condition, with different degrees of wear and tear to the bindings. At least three of the publisher bindings have fallen apart. There is some foxing and scattered staining, again, in various degrees throughout.
Additional photos can be taken at request.