Title: Book of Hours, Use of Poitiers, Circa 1500-1525. Illuminated Manuscript on Vellum from France
Condition: Fair
A substantial fragment of an early 16th century illuminated Book of Hours, inscribed in a flowing gothic script, likely produced in the city of Poitiers.
There are several factors which point to this conclusion, starting with the saints venerated in the remaining calendar leaves, such as Saint Clair of Nantes, Gatianus of Tours, and Martin of Tours.
This Book of Hours is written in an 18-line format.
This Book of Hours is illuminated throughout, with one full-page miniature (The Annunciation), and three smaller in-text miniatures. Four pages, including that of the full-page miniature, are decorated with illuminated borders with leaves, flowers, and one page bearing a caterpillar. Six pages have decorated one side borders. The text is written in black, blue, and red ink, with 9 3-line blue initials against gold, with these initials having been decorated with more elaborate flower motifs. There are hundreds of illuminated 1 and 2-line initial throughout and many illuminated line fillers, uniquely against black, a rather uncommon sight in early Books of Hours.
Despite being water damaged, the full-page miniature of the Annunciation is rather unique as one can see the basic outlines of the figures and backgrounds.
This Book of Hours is very clearly lacking a large quantity of leaves, as the calendar begins in September, and there are numerous excision points throughout.
One illuminated manuscript in 18mo, (13.7 x 8.5 cm), 71 leaves on vellum
This manuscript is in fair shape, with heavy rubbing and wear to the binding, with a bit of leather peeling to the head of the spine. There is significant staining and water damage throughout, the vellum being warped. A number of pages have had smeared ink, with one of the smaller in-text miniatures having the features mostly smeared as well. There is some soiling and scattered ink staining throughout.