Title: Auli Gellii Noctium Atticarum Libri Undeuiginti, 1515
Author: Aulus Gellius
Publisher: Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri
Condition: Very Good
An early 16th century Aldine edition of Gellius’ famous work, Attic Nights.
The work takes its name from having been started long winter nights he spent in Attica, later being continued and completed in Rome. The work was compiled from an Adversaria (commonplace book of the Roman era), unto which he noted down anything of import he had heard or discovered. From grammar, geometry, philosophy, and more, the Attic Nights were a massive compilation of various pieces of information.
Originally divided into 20 books, 19 survived in their complete state, save for the 8th, with only the index surviving. There are woodcut initials throughout of various designs. There is a contemporary ex libris inscription to the title page.
There are two slightly different printings of the 1515 imprint, the first with the printing error printing error in the colophon of the last page (duerniorem), and copies with the correct reading (duernionem).. This is the first printing.
One finely bound volume in 12mo, 289+(51) leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding. The front blank is partially detached. There is some scattered foxing and staining throughout.