Title: Acte D'Appel Interjette Le 1. Mars 1717; Bound With; Lettre d'un Prieur a un de Ses Amis; Bound With; Reflexions sur l'histoire de la captivite de Babylone, 1717/1727
Author: Jean-Baptiste de Beccarie de Pavie Fourquevaux; Pierre Boyer
Publisher: A Paris, chez Gabriel Valleyre
Condition: Very Good
An early 18th century edition of a Notice of Appeal lodged on March 1, MDCXVII by the Bishops of Mirepoix, Senez, Montpellier and Boulongne: with a collection of documents to justify this appeal, or which relate to it. Additionally bound is an early 18th century edition of de Pavie Fourquevaux’s Letter from a prior to one of his friends, concerning the new refutation of the book of the Rules for the understanding of the Holy Scriptures, and an early 18th century edition of Boyer’s Reflections on the story of the captivity of Babylon, where openings are given for the understanding of several important places of the prophets.
Three works finely bound into one volume in 12mo, 48, 140+(4)+26, XXIX+(3)+146 pages
On note of condition, this volume is in very good shape, with some rubbing and wear to the binding, and some chipping to the rear hinge. There is minor foxing throughout.