Title: Opera. Urania, sive De stellis libri quinque. Meteororum liber unus. De hortis Hesperidum libri duo. Lepidina, sive pastorales pompae septem. Item Meliseus, Maeon, Acon. Hendecasyllaborum libri duo. Tumulorum liber unus. Neniae duodecim. Epigrammata duodecim. Quae uero in toto opere habeantur, in indice, qui secunda pagina incipit, licet videre, 1533. Poems on Astronomy
Author: Giovanni Pontano
Publisher: Venetijs, mense augusto, In aedibus heredum Aldi Manutij [et] Andreae soceri
Condition: Very Good
An early 16th century second Aldine edition of Pontano’s Urania, or the five books of the stars. A collection of astrological poems, further enhanced by an additional 18 compositions, and being a reprint of the 1513 edition, and the original 1505 edition.
The blank leaf 184, and the final leaf with the repetition of the Aldine device is lacking.
One vellum bound volume in octavo, (8)+245 of 246 leaves
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is minor, scattered foxing throughout.