Title: Leerzame Zinnebeelden, Bestaande in Christelyke Bedenkingen door Vergelykinge Eeniger Schepselen; bound with; Christelyke Bedenkingen en Voorbeeldelyke Zedelessen, 1764
Author: Hendrik Graauwhart
Publisher: Te Dordregt, by Abraham Blusse
Condition: Very Good
A mid 18th century edition of Graauwhart’s emblematic work; Instructive symbols, consisting in Christian reflections by comparisons of some creatures, such as animals, birds, crops, &c. Towards moral lessons to virtue, and encouragement to godliness, put together in heifers and extensions. Additionally, bound is his Christian Reflections and Exemplary Moral Lessons, derived from the world's first condition; man's life, states, arts, and inclinations of mind, presented in instructive symbols, depicted in 65 elaborate pictures, and clarified by heifers and reasoning, in addition to an appendix some figures, for the sake of similarity of matter.
There are 109 engravings to the first work plus the frontispiece, and 62 to the other.
Two books bound into one volume in 12mo, 30+217+(8), (26)+280 pages
On note of condition, this volume is in very good shape, with rubbing and wear to the binding, and splits to the spine. There is very little foxing or staining throughout.