Title: Ioannis Seldeni De successionibus ad leges Ebraeorum: In Bona Defunctorum, Liber Singularis: in Pontificatum, Libri Duo, 1638
Author: John Selden
Publisher: Lugd. Batav., Ex Officina Elseviriorum
Condition: Very Good
A mid 17th century edition of John Selden's Succession to the Laws of the Hebrews: On the Goods of the Deceased, Book One: and On the Pontificate, Book Two. The book is primarily written in Latin, with some Hebrew throughout.
One vellum bound volume in 32mo, (54)+428 pages
This volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and old staining to the binding. There is minor foxing and staining throughout. The vellum is slightly expanded.