Title: Institutiones Theologicae ad Usum Seminariorum, 1773. Tomus I, III, IV, VI, VII
Author: Gaspare Juenin
Publisher: Bassani, Sed Prostant Venetiis Apud Remondini
Condition: Very Good
A late 18th century edition of Juenin’s Theological Institutions for the Use of Seminaries.
This set contains five of seven volumes.
Five vellum bound volumes in 12mo, XXIV+378, 360, 445, 431, 448 pages
These volumes are in very good shape, with rubbing and wear to the bindings, as well as some old staining. There is some foxing or staining throughout. All of this is heavier to volume VII, with vellum peeling to the bindings, and considerable staining throughout.