Title: Dan. Wyttenbachii Lectiones Quinque, 1824
Author: Dan Wyttenbachius; Willem Leonard Mahne
Publisher: Gandavi, M.A. Mahne; Lugduni Batavorum, S. et J. Luchtmans
Condition: Very Good
An uncommon early 19th century edition of Wyttenbachius’ Five Classes, now published for the first time and the introduction and annotations increased by Mahne.
This volume has been bound as a prize binding, with a gilt spine bearing the coat of arms of Leiden, repeated 5 times on the spine. There is a folding engraved "Scholae Lugdunensis" prize inscription, filled out in pen, and awarded to one Gerhardo A. Six, dated 1833, and signed by A. van Gerwen, P.G. van Hoorn, W. van der Palm, L. Suringar and Jacob de Gelder.
Worldcat records 35 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One prize binding volume in octavo, XI+140 pages
On note of condition, this volume is in very good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. There is some foxing throughout.