Title: Psalterium Romanum Decretis SS. Consilii Tridentini, Summorumque Pontificum, Pii V. Clementis VIII. & Urbani VIII. conforme, Magno hoc Charactere & folio, Usui eorum, qui absque Notis pallunt, & quibus acies deficit, accomodatum. Ordine Hymnorum Et Psalmorum successivo, in solemnibus Sanctorumque Festivitatibus, cantari solito, dispositum, 1725
Author: Archangelus; Council of Trent
Publisher: Coloniae Agrippinæ, Sumptibus Hæredum Thomæ von Cöllen, & Josephi Huisch
Condition: Good
An extremely scarce early 18th century edition of the Roman Psalter according to the Decree of the Council of Trent, and Popes Pius V, Clement VIII, and Urban VIII. Arranged in the following order of hymns and psalms, to be sung in the solemn and holy festivals, as usual. There are hundreds of pages of chant, printed in red and black text. There is a thumb register.
This massive volume has been bound in blind stamped pigskin over wooden boards.
Worldcat records 4 existing copies of this edition in libraries.
One pigskin bound volume in large folio (48x32cm), (IV)+728+(IV) pages
This volume is in good shape, with minor rubbing and wear to the binding. Several pages are heavily damaged, with the lost text replaced by hand. Some other pages are torn, and lacking small portions, with letter loss, and repairs throughout. Pages 397-398 have had to be rebound and mounted. Several pages are creased. There is foxing and staining throughout.